Friday, March 16, 2012

Chicago Zine Fest return + More

Chicago Zine fest has come and gone and the event was one of the best times I've had in a good while.  Even after driving for over 7 hours the day before, and sleeping very little, the day of the zine fest was exciting and went by so fast that I didn't have time to even think about being tired and hungry.  It was good to actually meet people who have ordered zines in the past and those who follow the blog in person.  It was also exciting to meet countless new people throughout the entire trip.  After all the stimulation, I am sort of bummed out that the fest and good times I had visiting in-city friends are over and have to settle back into normalcy here in Omaha.  I however, do have refreshing creative resurgence of energy.  I will return for next years event, that's for sure.  Expect a travel story within the next few days complete with some digital photos that I snapped along the way.  I do have a limited quantity of zines printed specifically for CZF left over that can be bought cheaply, as well as a brand new Stranger Randy comic done by local Omaha artist John Crowley.

Since I have been back from Chicago I have been relaxing while still being on vacation, taking the time to tidy up the CCHQ and taking the time thinking of the next project that I'd like to start; a new local CD-R comp.  Submissions for the new mix CD-R is currently underway and I have a production deadline of June 1st.  For CZF, I compiled both previous mix CD-Rs to one cd and it was one of my best sellers at the event, so I am pretty excited to get this project underway.  More updates on the project will be posted once they happen.  Also, winter is over, so expect more photo updates now that more bands will be coming into town and local shows going on.  Expect a Spring Scene Report within the next couple of weeks as well.  That's it for now.  Peace.


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